Exterior view of Benjamin's Hope

Benjamin’s Hope

market faith-based + nonprofit

locationHolland, Michigan


construction partnerCL Construction

interior designerKathryn Chaplow Interior Design

interior designerAMDG Architects

landscape architectAMDG Architects

featuredGreat Lakes By Design magazine

photographerAshley Avila Photography

welcoming to all

When their son was given the diagnosis of autism, Krista and Dave Mason began to contemplate goals for his long-term care. They soon realized there wasn’t a place for adults with autism or other developmental differences. In 2007, they founded Benjamin’s Hope with a vision for a community that empowered individuals like Ben to live, work, worship and play. Today, 32 adults live, work, play, and worship on the 52-acre site. Early on, Benjamin’s Hope turned to AMDG to design a worship center and offices for residents, their families, and the neighboring Holland community.

The vision for a worship center and gathering space trace back to early conversations, when Krista sat down with our AMDG design team and began collaboratively refining her vision. Together, they sorted through images and sketched ideas. The rural character felt right for a culture that celebrates freedom, independence, and the belief that everyone has an important role. In the end, a true gathering place was developed, one that welcomes residents, guests, family and the church that is now worshiping at Benjamin’s Hope.

The AMDG team is intentional in understanding our mission to create a place of belonging for people affected by disability, their families and our whole community. They understand that the design of space matters because space is where LIFE happens for people. AMDG designs spaces that enriches people’s lives.

Krista Mason

Executive Director | Benjamin’s Hope

a place of worship

Benjamin’s Hope holds Sunday evening worship services, known as The Gathering. While considering a permanent worship space, the Mason’s envisioned a bright, light-filled setting welcoming to all.

sound design

Artfully staggered acoustic tiles play an important role in an environment that celebrates external expressions of worship, including traditional and nontraditional sounds.

together in silos

The surrounding landscape inspired the agrarian-themed worship space. The use of actual silos, not originally intended for indoor use, required creative solutions for weatherproofing and energy efficiency.

admin time

Integrated with the building, yet at the center of campus, administrative offices serve the entire Benjamin’s Hope community.