Christie Doty headshot

“What drew me to AMDG is the mission – to use our gifts and talents in the service of others. We’re designing for our clients, not for ourselves. None of our projects look the same. They’re all unique and tailored to each client and their needs.”

Christie Doty

Senior Interior Designer | NCIDQ

Christie is passionate about design. She enjoys working on a project start to finish, from the initial programming phase through the finishing touches of furniture and artwork.  Christie has a strong attention to detail and loves a good challenge.

Christie has over 10 years of Interior Design experience, including work for firms in Chicago. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design from Michigan State University.

professional credentials
National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) Certified Interior Designer

interests + hobbies

  • spending time with family & friends
  • travel
  • baking
  • DIY projects

fun fact!
Christie enjoys traveling and has visited 10 countries.

interested in joining our team?

We’re looking for talented professionals who want to flourish through continual development and contributions.